We All Know How to Create a New Persona Profile!
The beauty of Persona Profiling is that everyone already knows how to create, use and abuse it. We all use profiling on a daily basis. We change our profile all the time, depending on the mood that we’re in when we’re happy or sad, angry, quiet, or just relaxed. We all change our profile to suit our circumstances. We create a different profile to deal with our work or run our business. We create a separate profile to meet fellow parishioners at our place of worship. We create a profile of a parent to teach our child how to bat a baseball or prepare her for a piano recital. We create a social profile to meet our buddies at the pub or go to a singles dance.
Most of us who worship inside a church or are part of a religious congregation will assemble once a week to attend a service. Have you ever noticed something different about the people around you when you are in that environment? Think for example of the church goer who has a totally different “persona” on Sundays when he is surrounded by his fellow congregation members, as opposed to the persona he adopts for the rest of the week when he is among his secular peers. When we’re in a group or a congregation, we often change our demeanor. We feel a special sense of belonging. We feel more spiritual and we sometimes “dress to impress”. We are more polite and courteous to those around us, even if our sentiment is less than genuine. We feel a kinship with people we hardly know. Some of us unburden our souls and confess our sins in an effort to cleanse the Persona Profiles that were responsible for these “character lapses” and are disingenuous to our church demeanor. Notice however that some people just “cleanse” these troubling profiles. They don’t actually change them! For some, the church profile that they create for their time of worship is a far stretch from the one they select for their regular activities. This will then become their “Sunday Church Profile”.
And the reason we develop all these different profiles is very simple. We have learned to associate social acceptance by assuming the type of persona that is most appropriate for the specific occasion. Our communication skills, our social interaction, our dress and behavior codes, our deportment, they all are dictated by the profile which is most appropriate for the circumstance. So, changing your Persona Profile is not something new, nor is it unique. As human beings, we all instinctively know how to do it. But mastering how to “program” your profile to your advantage, is what the Power of Persona Profiling will teach you!
Sometimes we say that someone acts “totally out of character”. This is an indication that the profile that we see in that moment or under that circumstance is totally different from the profile that we see under different or more conventional circumstances. People will act differently, depending on the “mask” that they wear at any given time. They will do things that are incongruent or inconsistent with their usual demeanor. In extreme cases, this can lead to the committing of a crime or an act of physical violence, even though that person is generally considered to be law abiding and non-violent.
Fortunately, the opposite is true as well. We can change our Persona Profile to create a more favorable impression, to be more approachable, to be more spontaneous or to be positively perceived and received by others.
We can virtually change any aspect of our behavior, emotions, sociology and language use. We can create a supportive, positive and nurturing environment. We can embody the psychological and physiological characteristic that will enable us to be successful. Every element of our new profile is attainable, provided that our need to succeed is not just a desire BUT AN ABSOLUTE MUST!
But there is one important caveat! Any change that we make in adopting a new Persona Profile cannot be in conflict with the personality traits we were born with, if we want to create permanent results! We may be able to compromise some of our values if the end somehow justifies the means, but we cannot substantially change our personality, no more than neglecting the human needs that are essential to our welfare and survival.
No amount of Persona Profiling will make a straight person gay, or convert a homosexual to heterosexuality. On the other hand, Persona Profiling can be of immense value to someone who needs to get in touch with his or her true sexuality.
As I reflect back on my life, I now realize that profiling has been an integral part of my decision making process. These persona shifts and changes were never done intentionally, or at least not at a conscious level. Nevertheless, they were responsible for the directions I took, the choices I made, the relationships I had, the career moves I made and the many mistakes that have turned into valuable learning experiences. Looking back, I can see, understand and appreciate the many profiles I created to achieve the things that were important to me at the time.
Early in my career, I applied for a management position with a real estate company. Part of the job description included the hiring and training of new salespeople. I was academically qualified and I felt certain that I could do the job. I scored highly on their aptitude
“Mr. Mulholland, are you always this calm?”, he asked.
The question seemed a bit odd, but my youthful arrogance interpreted it as “Are you always this confident about yourself?” So I gleefully replied “Sir, the reason I’m so calm is because I am confident that I will be your best candidate for the job!”
My flippant response was met with icy silence that seemed to last an eternity.
Finally, the GM spoke. “Mr. Mulholland, I have absolutely no doubt that you have all the confidence it takes to succeed in life. Your confidence is evident in your application, your resumé and your demeanor. It landed you this interview. But the position of sales manager encompasses more than confidence, a university degree and an impressive IQ. It requires enthusiasm and energy! Your sales people need to feel motivated and energized! If those qualities are not present in their manager, they will not produce at their optimum level!”
I didn’t get the job!
That night, I found myself reflecting on the failed interview. I wasn’t overly upset that I didn’t get the job! Other opportunities would surely present themselves! And they did! But I was troubled by the comments made about my lack of enthusiasm and energy. I was in great physical shape, I worked out every day and I enjoyed my life. Why would someone think that I didn’t have enthusiasm and energy? The GM’s perception did not match my reality. And that cost me a job opportunity!
That would NEVER happen again!
I decided right there and then that I would “showcase” my energy and enthusiasm anywhere and everywhere I went from that day forward. And by making this a MUST, I inadvertently created my first “conscious” Persona Profile. Not only would I internalize enthusiasm and energy, from that day on I would externalize those two qualities. They became a permanent part of my new profile.
I asked myself this simple question: “What do I need to do to become the person who would be enthusiastic and full of energy?”
“How would that person behave, act, walk, talk and shake hands?”
“How would that person look at you? What would be his physical stance?”
“Would he sit back in his chair or lean forward?”
“How would such a person control and use his voice?”
“Would he sit up straight and have intensity in his eyes?”
“Would he take control of the conversation, or would he passively listen?”
That night I created my first Persona Profile. I realized that this would be a MUST if I wanted to succeed in Future career moves. Within a relatively short period of time, I became the person who would be full of energy and enthusiasm and no one would ever mistake those qualities for not being present and at the forefront of my persona!
I have since perfected the skill of “being perceived as enthusiastic and energetic”! I can wake up at anytime from a deep and sound sleep and feel instantaneously energized! When I meet someone I literally ooze with enthusiasm! These are not qualities I have to “fake” or work at! They are now a natural part of my persona. And the dividends of making this persona profile change have been unbelievable! This change alone has opened doors and created opportunities that I would have never imagined!
I’m sure that you can probably recall similar incidences, where making changes in your behavior and personal presentation have resulted in successes in your business, your work and your private life. Yet these profiling changes were likely the result of unconscious behavioural adaptations to suit the circumstance of the moment.
We all know how to do it! We’ve all done it! We do it over and over! We do it every day!
The Power of Persona Profiling lies in the effectiveness of its application.
Just think about the power and purpose you can give to your personal life and the life of others, if you could program, control and manage your own Persona Profile!
If you could do this, then you would be successful at anything you do!
Well, now you can! The Power of Persona Profiling will show you how!
We All Know How to Create a New Persona Profile!
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