Key Pointers for a Covering Letter
Having a CV (resume) is sadly not enough when applying for a job.
Whether you send your CV off by post, email or even using a form of a recruitment website, you will need some words to go with it. This is called a covering letter.
You will have more scope in a proper letter or in an email than you would in a form, but you should still try to make the best use of your letter. It should draw the attention of the reader (the interviewer) to the particularly interesting points about you and those relevant to the job you’re applying for.
While your resume should read well and be nice and clear, it is the covering letter that will enable you to give a little more of your personality and introduce yourself in a nice, friendly manner, while at the same time being businesslike.
Imagine if you worked for a company and a CV landed on your desk. Even if you were advertising for people to work for your company, you’d probably wonder if it was meant for you and for that job. That’s why the letter is needed.
The covering letter will be the first thing the recruiter reads. It is therefore, important to make it count. It has to make the recruiter want to look at your CV and keep you in mind for the job.
You should take care to make sure your covering letter addresses all the following points:
• Determine whom you are writing for and aim your letter at them.
• What key points do you want to draw out? Make sure you do.
• Of those key points, will the reader really be interested in them for this job? Drop those that are irrelevant.
• Say why you are suitable for the job and highlight your skills that fit this job.
• Don’t be negative in any way.
• Although it’s a business letter, try to be informal in your writing style.
• Be brief. Don’t waffle. Don’t repeat.
• Under the address(es) and date, give the letter a bold, capitalised reference, such as: APPLICATION FOR SENIOR AUDITOR ROLE.
• Make sure the letter is in perfect English, with perfect spelling and grammar.
A covering letter is just as important as your CV. In fact, it may be more important as it will probably get read before your CV, so put time and effort into getting it right.
Key Pointers for a Covering Letter
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