Friday, October 30, 2015

How Career Training Could Be Your First Step to Success

This article answers frequently asked questions about career training, including what skills it teaches students, how much it costs, and what benefits it offers graduates.

For high school students and recent career switchers, the information this article contains could help you take the first step towards an exciting and rewarding career in the skilled trades industry.

What Types of Career Training Can I Receive?

Training is offered for a variety of jobs in the skilled trades industry. Some programs you might be familiar with include:

  • Medical and Dental Assisting

  • Computer Networking Specialist

  • Automobile or Diesel Mechanic

  • Culinary Arts

  • HRVAC Technician

For a more extensive list of skilled trades that you can receive job training for, please visit Career Explorer.

What Program is Right for Me?

If you’re not sure what program to enroll in, you may want to take a career aptitude test to determine your strengths.

You can find a variety of these tests online. Some of these tests can be taken for free, but some you may have to pay to take. You can also ask your local trade school or community college if they administer career aptitude tests to students.

Once you have determined your strengths, search for programs that rely on the skills you have to offer.

How Can I Apply?

The admissions process will be different for each school. Some programs may require you to provide more information, or submit additional applications.

Most career training programs will require you to have a high school diploma or GED before applying, though there are some programs that will accept individuals who do not meet this qualification.

The best thing to do is contact the admissions office of your local trade school or community college for more information regarding its specific application process.

How Long Does Training Last?

Depending on the school you attend and the program you choose, the length of your training may vary.

Most career training programs are short, and usually last between six months and two years. You should contact your local trade school or community college before you enroll to find out exactly how long it will take to complete the program you are interested in.

What Type of Degree Will I Receive?

If you attend a trade school (also known as a vocational school), you can expect to receive a certificate or diploma once you have completed your program.

Some community colleges also offer training for certain skilled trades. Training offered by community colleges usually takes the longest amount of time to complete (approximately two years), but you will receive an Associate’s Degrees when you graduate.

How Much Will Career Training Cost?

The cost of your training will vary according to the school you attend and the program you choose. However, training offered at community colleges is usually the most expensive.

Most schools have financial aid available for students who may not be able to pay for their education themselves. Financial aid usually consists of grants and loans. Some schools may offer scholarships to a few exceptional students.

Remember, it is always good idea to save your money to pay for school. This will allow you graduate debt-free with no student loans to pay back.

Is Career Training Offered Online?

Some schools may offer online classes for some of their programs. If so, instructors will post all lecture material and assignments to a designated online site that allows students to log in and work at their own pace.

Online courses may be beneficial for some students, such as those enrolled in information technology programs. For the majority of students, however, in-class instruction will provide much more help.

Students who want to be trained as automobile mechanics or HRVAC technicians cannot learn the skills they need to succeed from a computer. The classroom setting will allow these students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the tools and equipment they will need to properly perform their jobs in the real world.

How Does Career Training Differ from a Traditional College Education?

One way that career training differs from a traditional college education is its absence of liberal arts classes.

Traditional college students must take a broad range of liberal arts classes to satisfy what most colleges refer to as “general education requirements.” English majors might take classes in Biology, while Engineering majors may take classes in Philosophy.

Students interested in pursuing job training at a trade school or community college, however, do not have to fulfill any “general education requirements” and can take only those classes that provide them with specific job-related skills.

In addition, the amount of time students need to complete training in a technical college is significantly less than the time needed to complete a traditional college education.

Students who enroll in a traditional college usually spend four years taking classes before they are able to graduate, while those who enroll in technical colleges often complete their training in about one year.

What Benefits Will I Receive from Career Training?

Students who enroll in a career training program will receive benefits such as:

  • Hands-on classes

  • Job placement

  • Course variety

  • Personalized study

  • Practical schedules

In addition, completing a career training program will provide you with the skills necessary to help you separate yourself from other potential job seekers who do not share your level of expertise.

How Career Training Could Be Your First Step to Success


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