Friday, August 28, 2015

Job Hunting Tips For Secretaries - Get Your Curriculum Vitae Right

Since the economic downturn started to affect middle management, some of whom, particularly in the financial sector, were made redundant, more and more secretaries are finding that it is just that little bit harder to find a job. Previously secretaries were much sought after, now they are chasing jobs, with often hundreds of applicants for just one position. So what is the best way of securing a good job as a secretary in these difficult times?

Well, perhaps the best way is to think about how you can make your curriculum vitae shine out, so that you are more or less guaranteed an interview. Try to let a little of your personality shine through your curriculum vitae. How does it read? Does it read is if it has been written by someone who is very professional, very warm, competent and very organised? If not, then it is time to re-write it so that it does read this way. If you are unsure about whether it does read like this, then you should have a good friend read it, who will give you an honest opinion as to whether or not your curriculum vitae reads this way.

It may also be worth talking to a recruitment agency about whether or not you could go on their books as a temp, from a temping position, you may have access to jobs that are only advertised internally, so you will already have a good head start.

Be realistic about the kinds of jobs you are going for. Even if you have to start off with a relatively junior position, it is better than no position and when you are actually employed, it is always easier to move into another better paid position.

Above all, keep faith in yourself and your abilities. Once you have amended your curriculum vitae and made it shine out from all the rest, then you are well on the way to bagging the job of your dreams and all you have to think about then is preparing for the interviews that are bound to come your way.

Job Hunting Tips For Secretaries - Get Your Curriculum Vitae Right


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